Magazine Genere Reserch 2

Consumer Reports- New Cars Preview 2016

       This magazine welcomes you with a new Mazda and the new look of it showing what the future is about to bring.The tittle has big bold white letters that lead to the shiny red car under it that makes you want to get it. The background is of a street and the car is moving fast on it so it creates the allusion as if the car was moving toward you. Under the red car there appears another car that is blue it has their most important articles all of them including high technology titles.The bright colors that are utilize really make you look to the future and see does cars in the streets one day.
       The article that re included are some like Auto safety survey, luxury SUVs. The entire magazine is about cars and their futuristic technology, and what the cars of the future will be able to do. The luxury SUVs appear on page they appear towards the front of the magazine pages 10 through 30. Pages 40 through 60 include the main articles which include "Road Test Highlights", "Stand Out Models", and "Vehicle Ratings".

     The magazine include advertisement that is mainly about cars and car products like the new tire shining of chemical Guys , rims, tires and discount for oil changes. However the magazine also include advertisement about medication which show that this is a magazine direct to a mature audience. The ads are mainly located towards the end and beginning of the magazine the articles are located towards the middle.
     The circulation number for this magazine is about 425,000. There are not any awards found in this magazine.

