Use of Conventions

My title takes up the top of the page making it pop with the audience. The font was large and futuristic so it would stand out to the reader and would be easier for the viewer to see it. I pick this form because it is what most magazines that I looked at place their content and titles. The feature articles were located at the bottom right corner with a white shade and a smaller font but still able to see it so the title would stand out more in the viewers eyes. The background of the magazine has a bright new Tesla that caches the audience attention.

The table of content has  a gray back ground with medium text size and the feature articles on the left side. The articles titles are bold and pop out like any other magazine, and the description of the article are located under with a smaller text size. On the right side there is pictures of the too main articles and are surounded by black borders that make them look neat and professional.

In the article section i place the tittle on  the top of the page with a large font and a grey shading that makes the tittle pop and show its meaning. Under the title there is a description of what the article is about which is about Tesla. Then I used columns to writhe the article and i place a picture of a Tesla in the middle and the article the text forms around the picture like other magazine do to give it a more interesting look. The second page has too columns where the articles are located. There is one on the top right corner with a picture of the technology Tesla has on the left. The other one is located under that picture with another picture to the right of the article and it shows the seats of a Tesla.
